Since I really should be working, but don't feel like it, I thought I'd answer a question that my readers pose a lot.
actually, I've only been asked this once. But the previous statement is still legitimate because that's about what my readership amounts to!
When do you find time to write?
I thought I'd post my daily schedule to give you an idea.
6:00 AM My alarm goes off (Jon gets out of bed). This is when I should get up, but instead I relish in my now huge bed. I stretch my limbs and close my eyes and sleep until it's just not possible any more because Rosie woke up.
7:30-8:00 AM Wake up. Eat Breakfast. Read Scriptures. Feed Rosie. Do Dishes...blah, blah, blah
10:00 AM Chores in immediate need of attendance are done! Yeah! Open computer and stare at page.
10:05 AM Yup. Still staring at page, so I check Facebook, email, and the bank to make sure I still have money to buy groceries. Yup. Still do. Good. I really like to eat.
10:30 AM Wow! I hadn't meant to waste that much time. Better get to work. But first I need a song to inspire me.
10:40 AM Okay. Perfect. I'm in a rhythm. Who-hoo! 100 words and they're flowing.
10:45 AM Rosie needs a drink.
10:50 AM 15 words later and Rosie needs a snack.
11:00 AM Hayden screams, "WHEN'S LUNCH!!!! COME FEED ME LUNCH!!!!!" I sigh, and go give her a little bag of carrots or a gogurt. Lunch isn't for an hour!
11:05 AM Writing Again
11:10 AM Rosie needs lunch, so I feed her lunch and check Facebook again while I feed her yogurt.
11:20 AM Writing
11:25 AM All the kids are whining. I give up. Lunch for all.
12:00 PM Rosie goes down for a nap. Suddenly I realize I am still in my PJ's. Take a quick shower and get dressed.
12:30 PM Write!!!! Write!!!! Write!!!! Things look good until...
2:00 PM I've finished the chapter, but don't have a good hook to start the next. Time for Facebook and email and the blue boards (an online community for writer's.)
2:20 PM I have an idea! Write three sentences then Rosie wakes up screaming.
3:00 PM Snack for Rosie and the rest of the kids.
3:30-5:00 PM Pool Time!!!!!
5:15-6:30 Circulate between cooking dinner, comforting Rosie, and breaking up arguments.
7:00 Jon comes home! Yeah! I do dishes, change into my PJ's again (don't judge me) and get to work.
10:00 PM After a good three hours of hopefully uninterrupted writing, I can finally go to sleep. Except I can't sleep because all I can think about is how that first kiss is going to come about when I write the next chapter tomorrow.
If you are wondering when I do the rest of my chores, I can answer that for you in two easy words...
I don't!, I do not live in filth. In fact, I have a hard time working if things are not cleaned and vacuumed, and more than anything in this world I hate a smelly bathroom or unsanitary kitchen counters. That's why I married Jon, so he could do it all for me.